Save Lufbra 2012 Campaign Material

Why did Lufbra need saving?

The Save Lufbra 2012 campaign was in response to Loughborough University planning to remove the hall-specfic dining rooms. Whilst this may seem like a trivial matter, it would have entirely removed the heart of the community spirit within catered halls. Having lived in catered halls for much of my university life I felt that future students should be able to have an equally amazing experience, so I became involved with the campaign by creating a logo and a poster to raise awareness and gain support. The posters were then printed by the Students Union and distributed around campus.


I have a keen and wide ranging passion for design, from traditional elements such as page layout and typography to newer aspects of design, such as Graphical User Interfaces, which often overlap with my interest in technology. The little details fascinate me;
a trait which has helped shape my precise approach to design. Whilst primarily a designer, my enjoyment of creating things extends to other creative outlets such as photography and drawing.

Chris studied Graphic Communication at Loughborough University, graduating in 2012.



Phone: 07940 733833

All Content © Chris McLean